There is a lot to be thankful for this week. We’ve spent some beautiful time outdoors marveling at God’s creation…
…we’ve been blessed to watch a mama robin lay her eggs, then those eggs hatch, and the chicks develop….
…we hung out with a bunch of friends for the day at the zoo, and even in the intense heat, it was quite enjoyable between the breeze and a shower or two to cool us off.
At JJ’s suggestion we took a picnic to the park, climbed some trees and walked around the pond.
We’re getting some much-needed rain right now for the next few days, and even though that throws off our weekend plans of the local street festival, it will still be fun to hang out with family and maybe splash in some puddles.
Baby #4 is coming along, as is my belly! There’s been no hiding the fact that I’m pregnant since about 11 weeks when I couldn’t suck it in anymore, and while I’m still in regular jeans at week 13 (thank goodness for low-rise :D) and baby is only the size of a peach, my stomach thinks we’re further along.
But the benefit to that is getting to actually LOOK pregnant, so I’m not going to complain. Give thanks in all circumstances! :0)
P.S. Don’t forget my 5 Days to a Healthier Pregnancy series begins Monday, June 4, along with 20 other fantastic women!
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