(** Disclaimer – I received access to Leo’s Pad for free and was compensated for my time on the review. All opinions are my own and yes, we love using Leo’s Pad Preschool Learning App! :D **)
This is review week here at Serving From Home! We’ve been enjoying some great programs and books and are excited to share our review of a fantastic kid’s educational app.
I’ve been fairly resistant to using technology too much in our home, but when I hear about specific programs from friends that their kids are using and enjoying and LEARNING from, it encourages me to be a bit more flexible with allowances for time on the computer and iPad. While we still have restrictions, I think there are definitely some great benefits for using technology well in your homeschool – it isn’t all just fun and games, though fun and games are included in the learning process.
One app that we have been using for a year or so is Leo’s Pad Preschool Learning App from Kidaptive. And I’m pretty sure I’ve about talked my husband’s ear off about how great it is!
Leo’s Pad is an interactive, story and adventure based approach to teaching preschoolers the basic concepts and skills and that help them to excel in their education and everyday situations.
These aren’t your everyday, average app-type movies and graphics – the stories are actually interesting AND it feels like you’re watching a movie! They really get into the adventures led by Leo, or the young Leonardo da Vinci.
Check out this clip from Chapter 2, or Appisode 2: Rocket to the Stars. Intrigued? ;0)
Leo’s Pad Appisode 2 – Rocket to the Stars from Kidaptive on Vimeo.
Leo’s Pad Preschool Learning App
Benefits and Our Favourite Features
Kidaptive Learning
I had no idea what an adaptive app was before using Leo’s Pad, but the concept is brilliant and Kidaptive has nailed it!
Kidaptive has designed the games and challenges within Leo’s Pad to learn and adapt to your child’s learning process. Essentially what this means is that the difficulty of the next challenge is determined by how well they performed on the previous challenge. Adaptive learning for kids = kidaptive = absolutely brilliant!
This also means that they can continue to work through the chapters, or appisodes multiple times, increasing their skills, learning, and eventually acing the whole thing!
Fun One-On-One With Mom
Miss E is just 2, and with 3 older siblings involved in school throughout the day, sometimes it’s nice to have a little something special for her to do one-on-one with me or a sibling or when I’m tied up.
This app has been perfect to introduce her to preschool concepts using fine motor skills like matching, tracing, following patterns, recognizing colours, etc.
Though many of these skills are above her level, it’s never too early to start learning! Because of the “kidaptive” type of learning the program is based on, when you set up the child’s account you enter their age, so it already starts off with a basic knowledge of what kind of skills they’ll have.
The games are the same or similar, but with simplified instructions and requirements. Again, it learns as they learn and gets more difficult as they progress.
Independent Learning, Problem Solving and Creative Thinking
For Keekers (6), this has been a great tool for independent learning. She can work through a chapter/appisode (or two) at a time without any assistance. The program tracks her progress and stores data about her learning – where she’s struggling, what she’s skipping, and what she is excelling at.
Through the app she’s received an introduction to different languages, learned basic principles in math, science, engineering, and practiced important social skills. All while “playing” and definitely having fun.
Parental Controls
The parental dashboard shows you how each child is doing. Along with the companion parenting app for iPhone, I think this has to be my favourite part of the whole app!
When you pair Leo’s Pad with Learner Mosaic, this is where things really start to take off in the brilliance factor!
Learner Mosaic allows you to see everything your child is working on – how they did on certain challenges. What social skills they exhibited or struggled with. Their struggles, their triumphs, and what they skipped and might need to have some extra help on.
It’s an amazing add on tool that gives so much insight into the mind of your child that it is literally mind boggling!
Fun for Everyone
While this is an app specifically designed for preschool learning, all of our kids (ranging in age from 10 to 2) have enjoyed playing through the adventures on the app. The interesting story line and graphics have them captivated and wanting to keep coming back for more adventures.
Try Leo’s Pad For Free!
Download and try the first chapter of Leo’s Pad for FREE!
Purchase Leo’s Pad through the Kidaptive store and use code IHOMESCHOOL for 20% off. (This code will not work for iTunes. Coupon valid 1/22/2015 – 5/31/2015.)
Follow Kidaptive and Leo’s Pad on Social Media
- Twitter @Kidaptive and @LeosPadApp
- Facebook : Kidaptive , Leo’s Pad and Learner Mosaic