Though I have much to write to you,

I would rather not use paper and ink.

Instead I hope to come to you and talk


so that our joy may be complete.

2 John 12 (ESV)

pencils by sisterlisa, on Pix-O-Sphere

When I started this blog, it began as a way to store my recipes so I could easily access them and share them with others. Then, as I began to study God’s word and wanted to understand it more, I started to come across some great blogs offering encouragement and some prayer and study challenges. And as we were more immersed in homeschooling, I started searching for blogs and community where I could connect, share and glean ideas and encouragement.

Somewhere along the way I started writing – like mad! Writing what God has been teaching me, writing about our homeschool challenges and triumphs, writing about photos, writing about prayer, writing about food, and just plain writing about the fun stuff.

Out of this writing have flowed many opportunities to connect with other women, along with some fantastic link ups and memes. I have no idea how I have gotten where I have, considering I hated writing growing up (it was literally like pulling teeth!). I can only think that it is by the grace of God I am even here on this blog, let alone have anyone who cares to read what I write!

I love dearly the friends I have made through blogging and twitter. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! :D We are bound together by a common thread – CHRIST, our love for him, and our desire to serve God. Distance separates us – we may never meet in real life – yet our hearts are united for one purpose – to bring glory to God. And I am so blessed by all of you that have cared to come by and read, comment, encourage and sharpen me.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
(Philippians 1:6 ESV)

Yet I feel now this struggle deep within, that something is off balance. My constant struggle in life is finding balance, making the best use of my time, desiring to be a good steward, while being pulled in all different directions at once.

Balancing Stones

(photo credit)

We are a part of an AMAZING church which the Lord has brought about to bless us with. I am without words to speak how much God has stretched, grown, taught and challenged us through this church and the teaching and knowledge of his word. And in it we have amazing groups of people who are our friends, supporters, accountability and prayer partners.

cold prayer

(photo credit)

I have been deeply blessed by friendships in this community – other moms, other homeschoolers, both women younger and older than I. Outside of our church, we have family, friends, homeschool group – all placed in our lives for a reason – to grow in love, grace and joy in the Lord. Our friendships run deep, and we too are united for one purpose.

In my blogging journey, I have not created a balance. Most of my time has been spent pursuing relationships online. I have neglected my duties, and opportunities, as a friend, small group leader, co-op member, sister, daughter and mother.

In his 2nd letter, John wrote to a church, and said that he had much to say to them to encourage them, but that he would much rather talk to them FACE TO FACE – so that their joy would be made complete.

I would not trade the friends I have made through blogging for anything in the world. But the time has come to shift my focus. I feel God calling me to pursue opportunities with people FACE TO FACE, in real life, those he has placed in my life, RIGHT HERE, right now – all for a purpose and a reason. To reach out and meet with others, to encourage and challenge them IN PERSON – because that’s more difficult than just posting online or sending an e-mail.

I need to continue to be stretched, continue to grow, continue to follow his leading. This blog isn’t going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere; until I feel God calling me to something else, I will continue to share what he is teaching me, in an effort to hopefully challenge and encourage others.

I want to challenge you to reach out in the community of people around you that God has blessed you with. Who do you need to go and talk to, face to face? Who has God placed in your life as friends that you need to reach out to and pursue relationship with?

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.
(Philippians 1:3-5 ESV)

Mustard Seeds

Counting to 1,000 Gifts…

269. Safety from storming winds

270. New loose leaf tea

271. Patiently waiting on answers

272. A little girl’s view of her daddy like Jesus

273. The worn pages of my Little House on the Prairie books

274. Keeker’s toy piano

275. Pocahontas tea pot

276. Leftover birthday cake

277. Birthday breakfast for my husband

278. Cooking a special birthday dinner

279. My 3 children racing around the house

280. New worship music playing

281. The kids love for Wild Kratts and Keeker choosing to watch it even though her brothers weren’t there