One challenge ends….and another begins! What better time than SPRING to jump in on the 31 Days to Clean challenge over at Joyful Mothering.
I don’t have a terribly dirty house. But I definitely do struggle with cleaning – as I’m sure almost everyone does! I grew up in a home where we all pitched in and did the chores, and I hope to pass on the same disciplines to my own children. As far as having a schedule for cleaning goes, I don’t. It’s typically blitzing everything that we would normally do in 1 day, and me running around giving orders for who is to do what next. Not overly effective with a 6 and 4 year old, so I end up doing it all myself :D
Anyway, click over to the challenge link to find out what this is all about! Hope to see you there! And I hope to have a cleaner house and better attitude about it by the end of the month ;0) One can dream, right? :D