With back-to-school shopping sales and deals to be found all over the map, now is the time we typically stock up for great stuff for our Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child boxes. The kids get so pumped about doing a box every year, writing a letter and sending a photograph. We’ve participated in #OCCShoeboxes ever since I was a young child, and the opportunity for ministering to these families all over the world as well as cultivating a desire in our children to give and love big, is not one to be missed!
I’m sure you’ve at least HEARD of Operation Christmas Child, if not sent a shoe box or 10 yourself over the years. But have you ever wondered about what happens to those children who receive the shoe boxes? Each box is packed with a booklet that gives the kids the gospel in their language. But is that the end of the impact that our shoe boxes have?
Indeed, it is not! For Operation Christmas Child takes it one step further with their program The Greatest Journey. This program is available to children who have received OCC boxes and want to know more about a walk with Christ. Trained discipleship leaders teach the kids about who God is and why he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, for THEM!
You’ve got to listen to some of the stories of these kids, what they have come from, and WHO they have come to – it will bring tears to your eyes!
The Greatest Journey for these kids doesn’t end after they’ve finished the discipleship course. It’s just beginning! And there are so many more children and families to be reached for the Lord.
Now, I know you’re just dying to know how you can help? Back in June, Samaritan’s Purse launched a campaign called Disciple A Dozen where you can donate $6 a month to help disciple 12 children every year. That’s the same as 1 latte at Starbucks, 2 times getting ice cream, or 3 orders of french fries. A small sacrifice to help lead the way in discipling these little ones. And they’re about halfway to their goal of seeing 240,000 children sponsored!
I hope you will consider supporting Samaritan’s Purse in seeing families reached with the gospel. You can read a lot more about what Samaritan’s Purse is doing with the discipleship program, how families are being impacted, and even how the leaders are learning themselves!
Let’s be a part of this plan for eternity, together!