Have you read 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae? If you aren’t familiar with this e-book, then you need to check it out, ASAP!  And it’s only $4.99! Available on pdf, kindle or nook readers.

In a very small nutshell, Sarah teaches you how to develop a Mary heart while keeping with the Martha diligence in housework. I said nutshell :D If you want to know more, read here! While I have never really had a problem with keeping my house clean, it has always been a struggle to have the right attitude and reasons for doing it – this book has helped to start straighten that out!

We will be going through it again with a great group of ladies over at Homemaker’s Challenge.

We will each be posting on a day or two of the challenge, what the challenge is about, what we are learning, etc.

If you’d like to get in on the action and help out with the posts, contact Christin @ Joyful Mothering, or check out her post about the start of the challenge.

And that’s not all! Right now you can get the book for 50% off using the code: Homemaker.

We’re still going…. make sure you “like” the Facebook page AND follow the twitter hashtag #31daystoclean for a few giveaways of the book!

Looking forward to working toward a cleaner home and a better attitude with everyone!!