We spent a much-needed break and some family time on the slopes yesterday! It was both boys’ second year on skis, but JJ last year couldn’t even stand up on his own – this year was a huge improvement! And The Boy had a little bit of remembering to do, but he caught back on quickly.

I am thankful that we have these opportunities to take time out and spend as a family (minus Keeker, who had such a great time at Grandma’s she didn’t want to come home!), especially enjoying the absolute wonder and beauty of God’s  creation!

I am thankful….

– that I can stay home and teach my children. Each day is a new experience, new journey, new things learned. It’s not easy, but I am so glad this is where I am!

– for friends, online and IRL, who encourage, pray and sharpen each other

– for my #hsmommas who are a wealth of information and encouragement, always ready to love and pray – you have taught me how to be diligent in prayer and how to better encourage!

– for my husband, who works so hard to provide for our family so I can stay home

– for my 2 rambunctious, energetic, hilarious little men

– for my baby girl, who has such a servant heart and is a joy to be around

– for the wonder, majesty and beauty of a snowstorm, followed by bright blue sky and sun, then another snowstorm….then repeat!

– for small signs and encouragement from God that what we are teaching is sticking – even though there are still bad attitudes and poor responses, the truth of God’s word is getting in their hearts!

– for pretzel math JJ decided to do all on his own: another encouragement as I was feeling like his math lesson had been a waste!

I am doing the January Joy Dare over at A Holy Experience. It has stretched me to find specific things some days, and other days to really thing about what I HAVE SEEN and what God has revealed to me.

144. White scroll belt, a thank you card, time with my husband and friends.

145. Daddy reading to Keeker, an e-mail from a friend, spending time preparing for small group with hubby

146. Time with small group ladies, chatting with friends online, gift of God’s mercy

147. God’s testimony in his word, his grace, his loving kindness

148. Homemade granola bars, enjoying the snow on the slopes, seeing JJ teach me his math lesson with pretzels

149. Keeker’s cute little teeth, The Boy’s sparkling mischievous eyes and the Gallagher smirk, JJ’s cute furrowed brow.