Psalm 71:3

Be to me a rock of refuge,

to which I may continually come;

you have given the command to save me,

for you are my rock and my fortress.

This past month has been tough. Recovering from being sick, trying to get everyone back on schedule, catching up on lost sleep, Christmas preparations, getting off my routine with getting up in the morning and spending time in the word and prayer. All this, but especially the latter, has added up to a very dry and difficult period for me.

I have tried asking for renewed passion, but haven’t really pursued it in my actions. I have tried asking for strength and grace, but collapse as soon as things get difficult. I can feel the discouragement creeping in again, and I am not heading toward a good place.

But I am grateful for God’s word that continues to pound into my head and my heart – HE IS MY ROCK, MY FORTRESS, MY STRENGTH; and here now, he has given the command to SAVE ME. I am the one delaying it, not He. I am the one standing in the way of this saving grace. I want to move aside, and make way, but I can’t do that without DOING something. Let us be doers of the word, not hearers only. I don’t have to do anything for my salvation – I already have that.

But I need to act on the promises that God has given to me, take a step of faith and believe that he has what I need. So today, it’s enough, again. Today the fists are being lowered. I am not going to fight my own battle, but surrender to using what God has given me to let him fight for me – his Sword and his Spirit.
Thank you Lord for continuing to fight for me, even when I am stubborn and cannot move out of the way. Thank you for your patience and love and grace for ME, even though I do not deserve it. Help me to MOVE IT toward you, and stop resisting what you are doing in my life.

31. Christmas crafts with the kids

32. Christmas music.

33. Hot chocolate and afternoon snacks

34. Family

35. Reading around the table together

36. Christmas decorations

37. Boys being boys (:D)

38. Opening a fresh bag of coffee

39. Kids who help with chores

40. Bedtime stories, songs and prayers