I have so much to be thankful for. Currently, my kids are taking quiet time – they’re still young enough for it, and I’m hoping that it is something we can continue throughout the years, even if it is more together than separated. Sitting in the back room with the sunlight streaming in the back door and the cool breeze bringing in sweet scents and sounds….even though I’m still feeling sick, 11 weeks into this 4th pregnancy – I can still smile and say “God is good”.
My attitude hasn’t been the best – I’ve come across as bitter and angry, frustrated, longing for things to be different, for me to feel better, no quite so sick, with more energy. But then I’m reminded of the blessing at the end – and I can take heart in that, and say “God is good”.
My quiet time hasn’t been the greatest. Most mornings I am up at 6:00, but to feel the best, I need fresh air or some exercise to start the day. Then it’s sometimes a sacrifice in my bible reading – but over the last few days I’ve been consistently in the word, because I know that while my body is dehydrating from not consuming enough liquids, my spirit is also dehydrating from not consuming enough of the word – and leading to my bad attitudes. I’ve been praying for my desire for him to deepen, for my knowledge and understanding as I read his word to grow, and for me to be able to say more times out of the day “God is good”.
My children haven’t been the best behaved – we’ve struggled getting back into routine after 2 weeks in Florida, then with my feeling energy-sucked and constantly nauseated, things have not been the same. Yet they still love me and I still love them, and we still manage to have some good times together (even if I can’t read to them as much as I would like to) – and I can still say “God is good”.
My husband has been a tremendous blessing and help to me – typically after or during dinner I crash out on the couch while he finishes up with the kids, then cleans up the kitchen after they do their chores, then sees they make it into bed. All so I can rest and take my mind off things for a bit. Yesterday, he went the extra, extra mile, and because I had mentioned that I needed to change the sheets on the bed, he took time out of his work day to do it for me. God is so good.
There is so much more to be thankful for – my baby who is growing, my family and friends who are loving on me, my children who are learning, for God’s faithfulness and provision. I can’t even begin to recount.
So instead, I sit here and bask in the sun, close my eyes and sing “God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He’s so good to me.”