There’s been a whole lot of talking and thinking going on around here lately. The topic? Salvation and faith. Last night during our devotions, our boys were asking questions about hell and heaven, and our 6 year old was so upset because he did NOT want to go to hell! As I sat in the kitchen watching them read and feeding Eliana her bottle, I prayed for the Lord to use the time and discussion and to grant my husband the wisdom to answer their questions. He did an amazing job of telling them again how they can be sure of not going to hell – that their assurance is in believing in Jesus, being obedient to the Lord and growing in faith.

kids silly

Every so often these discussions come up, and every time this mother’s heart leaps as she gives thanks for the opportunities we have to minister to our children. We have never asked them if they want to ask Jesus into their hearts. We have been very cautious to not put words into their mouths or give them false assurance. They both have said they believe in Jesus and we see the effects of that belief.

They are also just children, and their faith is childlike and immature. But we know that as they are taught in the way they should go, that their understanding and portrayal of faith in Christ will mature and we will see even more changes.

Searching scripture

Reading through James these past few weeks I came to chapter 4:1, which says “You do not have because you do not ask”. We’ve been really struggling with getting back into a “normal” routine after being off and having a new baby and all the adjustments that go with it. I’ve been focusing our efforts and prayer on ONE habit this month – obedience. The foundation for all the rest of it I believe! And the Lord has answered in many ways! Thought it’s been a struggle, and I’ve blown it a BUNCH of times, he has given more grace as I humbly seek his face. These past few days, though we’ve still definitely dealt with attitudes and correction and disobedience, I have heard more “Yes mom! Yes dad!” and “Ok!”, followed by quick responses than I’ve seen in a long time.

Friends, prayer works.

James 5:16b

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Galatians 6:19

Let us not grow weary while doing good; in due season we shall reap, if we don’t give up.


Too often I succumb to weariness of prayer, giving into despair before I’ve even begun to test God to see what he will do. Yesterday’s sermon in Romans 4 solidified for me even more the need to just ask, and then keep on asking. Praying in faith, waiting, growing, giving glory to God.

A few weeks ago I was talking with my sister about the new Hello Mornings Challenge (you can still register until Wednesday! Do it!!). I wanted to encourage her to be in the word and to do it consistently. I suggested we start up a group together as she had some friends who were also interested. I registered as an Accountability Captain, something I have felt the Lord wanting me to do anyway, and the timing seemed to be right. I started praying for the girls, just once or twice.

Well, my sister’s friends decided to do something else, though she herself still wanted to participate in the challenge with me. I was a bit disappointed, but still excited for the study to come. There were a couple of my girlfriends who were interested also, so I gave them the info and left it at that, figuring if our group was a handful of girls I’d be so blessed and happy to support and pray for them.

Registration day came. And by the end of it I was absolutely FLOORED. My socks were knocked off. Expecting to have myself and 3 other girls I knew in the group, God blew me away by giving me another 14 women, none of whom I’ve ever met! I was shocked. Blessed beyond belief. He knew my desire was to encourage these women to be in the word, starting their day with the most important thing – Pursuit of Truth and our heavenly Father. Most of them have never done the challenge before. I’ve only completed it ONCE successfully (two times I fell off the wagon :D). God knew my heart, my desires, my track record, and he gave, pressed down, shaken together, running over. He answered, big time :0)

No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God,
Romans 4:20

Test him. Try him. Just ask, and see what he WILL do.


591. Time to take off skiing with the family and a husband who is so sacrificing in time and energy to teach our kids to ski

keekers ski

592. Keeker’s silly stories

593. JJ’s tear perpetually stuck under his eye

Hot chocolate and the Word

594. The Boy’s adventurous side coming out in skiing

595. Miss E being such a good baby


596. Friends’ new babies and their gorgeous heads of hair!

597. Our every need provided for

598. Delicious homemade bread

599. A washer and dryer that work!

600. Wedding dates with my hubby


601. Miss E pushing bedtime back and sleeping so well

602. Seeing changing attitudes in the kids

603. Family devotions

604. Discussions about heaven, hell, faith and salvation (GLORY TO GOD!)

605. Homemade granola, fresh orange juice, coffee


606. My hello mornings girls from Pursuit of Truth!

607. My accountability/prayer team of true kindred spirits meeting and praying every morning (on twitter no less! :D)

608. Family. Family, family, family :0)


Linking up with

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

Hear it on Sunday