In my life this week….

I have been learning about Lent thank to my friend Kris’ new ebook, Holey, Wholly, Holy. I wrestled and resisted, but eventually gave in to what God wanted me to do – and he has given me so much grace for these past few days! Praising and praying for more as I know it will get difficult :0)

Vday activities

Valentine’s Day was a fun day here! We had friends over the day before so some much-needed coffee time together and the kids decorated cookies – and the kitchen floor :D Vday we made cards for their co-op friends and a nice dinner for daddy. Though a date night would have been nice, it was great to spend time with the family. Pull out the candles and nice tablecloth and they’re absolutely THRILLED! “What a feast!” was said at least a couple times :0)


I did a fun photo shoot with Miss E on Valentine’s day too – the lighting was perfect and she was extra happy!




one little tiny pouty mouth :0)


I’ve also been enjoying lots of baby snuggles – I think I’ve figured out what it was that was making her not nap really well and being kinda cranky during the day and it might have everything to do with my being off coffee right now :0(

mama and baby snuggles

In our homeschool this week…

Keekers continued learning through the alphabet with All About Reading (preK). Her favourite letter – N! We didn’t spend as much time on this one since she already knows it so well, so we did a lot of Valentine activities as well. We are using printables from 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations and Confessions of a Homeschooler.

N and V day week

My friend Kim from Not Consumed posted these great scripture verses and prompts for love week.

valentine scripturesThe kids have been having a really hard time loving each other lately, so it was perfect to add in to our daily devotions and really help them to focus on ways to love each other.


Our science is moving right along with Apologia Swimming Creatures – this one is the kids’ favourite so far! We’ve gotten back into getting books from the library and they’re devouring them all at once. I have to hold some back so they don’t read them all!

science books

 The Boy is making great progress in his math – we LOVE RightStart!

subtraction tables

And another program we love – All About Spelling! Even the baby gets in there on our lessons :D

er as in sister


Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

Take the kids to the library. It helps break up the week, and you’ll save money on books you’re not quite sure you want to add to your repertoire!


My favourite thing this week was…

Watching how The Boy (8) initiated everyone getting their backpacks ready to go Friday morning for co-op. I’m really seeing a lot of maturity starting to come out in him!


My kiddo’s favourite thing this week was..

We still have snow! Lots of it and hopefully more coming. They have been outside almost every day this week enjoying the nice weather and perfect snow!

snowtime fun

Things I’m working on…

A whole bunch of pinterest crafts I’ve had lurking all over the house. Gathering the supplies together and tackling them is what I am looking forward to over the next week!


I’m grateful for…

God’s grace and leading in my heart and our family. For my husband and how hard he works so I can stay home with our family. For friends who bring lunch and chats!


I’m praying for…

My children to have a deeper love for each other, God, his word and us as parents as we lead, teach and discipline them.


Something I have my eye on…

This blanket. There’s only one. And it’s perfect for Miss E! Oh and these really cute rompers!


A photo, video, link or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)

Snow in Toronto. Still funny!

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homeschool mothers journal


Homegrown Learners


friday favorite things | finding joy